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4 month after birth

Baby’s Growth and Development

Baby’s Growth and Development table
Height Male 59.6 to 69.9 cm / Female 59.5 to 68.5 cm
Weight Male 6.00 to 9.26 kg / Female 56.0 to 8.72 kg
Head The baby's head, which was soft, becomes harder.
Eyes The eyesight has developed enough to discern different colors. The baby starts to show interest in toys with colors.
Ears Able to discern the mother's angry or kind voice and cries when angry voices are heard
Hand The palmar grasping reflex, where a baby grabs a finger placed in its palm, gradually disappears. when you put a rattle on the chest, the baby will put both hands together and grab it. The thumb is completely stretched. They show interest in hands and suck the hand often.
Neck Able to lift his chest by supporting himself with the arms while lying on the stomach. By this period, your baby can hold his neck in a fixed position. But if he doesn't show any sign of being able to hold up his neck, a development test is required.
Arms Your baby stretches his arms straight out to grab a moving object or put a toy into his mouth. His arm strength becomes stronger and he tries to lift his neck by supporting himself with the arms while lying on the stomach.
Sociality Emotional expressions become more rich and they cry when not in a good mood, laughs wholeheartedly when in a good mood, or giggle when they feel pleased.

Baby’s Health

Baby Health Basics


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