Height |
Male 59.6 to 69.9 cm / Female 59.5 to 68.5 cm |
Weight |
Male 6.00 to 9.26 kg / Female 56.0 to 8.72 kg |
Head |
The baby's head, which was soft, becomes harder. |
Eyes |
The eyesight has developed enough to discern different colors. The baby starts to show interest in toys with colors. |
Ears |
Able to discern the mother's angry or kind voice and cries when angry voices are heard |
Hand |
The palmar grasping reflex, where a baby grabs a finger placed in its palm, gradually disappears. when you put a rattle on the chest, the baby will put both hands together and grab it. The thumb is completely stretched. They show interest in hands and suck the hand often. |
Neck |
Able to lift his chest by supporting himself with the arms while lying on the stomach. By this period, your baby can hold his neck in a fixed position. But if he doesn't show any sign of being able to hold up his neck, a development test is required. |
Arms |
Your baby stretches his arms straight out to grab a moving object or put a toy into his mouth. His arm strength becomes stronger and he tries to lift his neck by supporting himself with the arms while lying on the stomach. |
Sociality |
Emotional expressions become more rich and they cry when not in a good mood, laughs wholeheartedly when in a good mood, or giggle when they feel pleased. |