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Exercise (weight, obesity)

Too much exercise deteriorates your reproductive abliity.

Do not engage in excessive exercise. When you consume too much energy through excessive exercise, your body goes into a ‘power-saving’ mode, which means it turns off the reproductive function gradually to save energy. It may even shut down the function completely.

For men, excessive workouts can cause physical strains, reduce the number of sperms, and bring about a decrease in their normal reproductive abliity. According to a study conducted in Spain, men who exercise until they are completely exhausted demonstrate changes in the number of sperms and hormone values. This study also says that these changes are not permanent, but too much exercise results in a drop in the number of sperms and hormone (testosterone) values, possibly weakening a man’s reproductive power. Furthermore, it increases the number of premature sperms, and reduces the number of sperms with strong mobliity to reach an egg. Even if they do reach an egg, the sperms that are strong enough to penetrate it fall in their numbers. Yes, the sperms can become fatigued, too. Women, too, should take caution as excessive work-outs can cause a disorder in menstruation cycles and ovulation.

I’m not saying you should stop exercising all together. Work out in an appropriate manner and continually to make your body suitable for pregnancy. Just don’t push yourself too hard. Know your body’s limits and choose a workout plan that's right for you.

When you plan for natural pregnancy, you want to start working out at least 6 months beforehand. Refer to the table below for your exercise planning. The start and end of every exercise should be stretching for more than 5 minutes. It is best if you mix aerobic and anaerobic exercises together, but it is also desirable if you do either of them every other day. As for aerobic exercise, do it until you start panting or break a sweat.

In summary,
a) Exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes and do it 3 to 5 times a week.
b) No need to exercise for longer than 60 minutes at once or more than 6 times a week.
c) It is best that you alternate between stretching + aerobic exercise & stretching + anaerobic (resistance) exercise.

Type, Exercise, Time, Frequency 테이블
Type Exercise Time Frequency
Stretching Gymnstic moves or yoga Longer than 5 min Before/After exercise
Aerobic exercise Fast walking, Jogging, Swimming, Tennis 30 min/day 2-3 times/week
Anaerobic (resistance) exercise Dumbbells, other fitness tools 20-30 min/day 2-3 times/week

Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that exercising for 30 minutes or just a little over 30 minutes a day betters your mental state and prevents premature death, cardio-related symptoms, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and colon cancer. It only takes 30 minutes of your whole day. 30-minute exercise generally consumes 150-cal energy or 1,000-cal energy a week. Don’t beat yourself too hard to do more exercise. An appropriate amount of working out a day is perfectly fine.

If you’ve never exercised regularly before and just can’t leave 30 minutes out of your hectic schedule for exercise, you can exercise 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time. Doesn’t sound believable? It’s much better than doing an entire week’s exercise on a single day. Make it a routine and famliiarize your body in daliy training. It is helpful not only for your natural pregnancy but also for your life-long health.

What exercise should I do to lose abdominal fat?

To lose abdominal fat, you need to spend at least 300 calories at once throught the exercise. It Equals walking at the speed of 5 km/h for 50 minutes, 30-min running or 40-min swimming. When you do this, you not only lose weight in those aeas but also your cardiopulmonary function greatly improves.

Water intake is important when working out.

When you run or swim, the muscles used generate heat, and that heat is released through the skin. A healthy body can adjust the heat more effectively than a body that is not. This is even more important for men as it is critical for them to protect the sperm inside the testicles from high heat. The body’s heat adjustment function is greatly beneficial for keeping the sperm healthy.

However, effective heat release can be achieved by men and women when they drink enough water. A study tells us that men tend to drink less water when working out than women do. This means men have a higher chance of experiencing dehydration during exercise than women. Therefore both men and women need to drink water before they start physical exercise as well as in the middle of it and afterwards. Your body can function optimally with sufficient water intake. Maintaining the insides of your body cool through water intake is the start of keeping the temperature of your testicles at the right level.

The efficient way to drink water during exercise is as follows.

It surprises me that so many people are under the wrong impression that water intake should be avoided during exercise. I suspect that they feel the water in the stomach sloshing while they work out, which can feel uncomfortable. In effect, working out after eating a meal makes the blood go to the muscles being exercised instead of the digestive organs, making you feel uncomfortable. This must make people believe that water should cause simliar symptoms, but this is not the case.

You must drink enough water while working out. This is because of dehydration of your tissues. When you sweat, the water takes away your salinity, too. When water leaves the muscles, dehydration may cause muscle spasm. Therefore, I recommend that you carry a water bottle with you while you exercise. In particular, you should drink even more water when it’s hot. If you can’t drink too much at once, drink a little frequently. The richer the color of your urine, the worse the case of dehydration. It is best that you refer to the color of your urine.

Obesity is no longer just a foreign issue.

Obesity is no longer an issue that you hear about from other countries. In Korea, too, the issue of obesity is becoming a highly important matter to address in the medical arena. In this regard, obesity is an important checkpoint in the constitution area alongside nutrition for health and exercise. In effect, the subject of obesity is an indispensable topic of discussion before pregnancy in almost every country. It is of course an important matter in the field of lifelong health. Weight has a lot to do with not only natural pregnancy but also lifelong health.

If both spouses are obese or overweight, natural pregnancy is a long shot. A weight issue regards health safety not only for the mother but her unborn before and during pregnancy. It must thus be addressed before pregnancy. Weight control is closely connected with nutritional intake and exercise. You should first know how weight plays a critical role in the reproductive environment. To comprehend the importance of weight in the environment for natural pregnancy, you need to understand how obesity adversely affects the reproductive environment. It is important to learn how to identify and control obesity. This principle applies to both men and women.


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