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7 to 8 month after birth

Baby’s Growth and Development

Baby’s Growth and Development table
Height Male 65.4 to 75.9 cm (7 months) / 67.2 to 77.3 cm (8 months) Female 63.7 to 74.6 cm (7 months) / 65.4 to 75.0 cm (8 months)
Weight Male 7.00 to 11.00 kg (7 months) / 7.27 to 10.90 kg (8 months) Female 6.62 to 10.00 kg (7 months) / 6.80 to 10.31 kg (8 months)
Intellectual Development Enhanced memory allows your baby to imitate your simple actions and enjoy searching for hidden objects
Teeth As the milk teeth come out, they start to drool or suck their finger.
Hands Enhanced dexterity allows them to grab small objects. They can eat meals by themselves. By the time they become 8 months old, they move an object from one hand to the other.
Exercise Development Most babies can turn over their body with ease. They can lift the chest by holding hands against the ground and can sit without help. They crawl around or back and forth with their stomach on the ground. They hold themselves on the legs with support. They crawl around busily and show curiosity.
Language Able to sound the alphabets and some will sound the initial sound of a syllable. They may shout or enjoy imitating the mother's sounds.
Sociality They mumble their lips after hearing the mother's voice and make sounds like 'Ah, Woo, Eh.' They can discern their mother's voice from others'. They respond when you say 'pick-a-boo'

Baby’s Health

Dental Care


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