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Baby Food and Feces

Bottle-fed babies produce feces 2 to 3 times a day. It has more form than that of breastfed babies. Sometimes, there are white lumps like sesames spread over it. It is the butterfat of the powder milk solidified, which is not a sign of indigestion. The white lumps are still found after they digested it well. Older women may refer to it as ‘raw feces' and suggest you to make more watery milk. Still, it is better for you to adhere to the designated amount. In addition, such lumps are also found in some breastfed babies' feces.

Furthermore, some babies produce stool 10 times a day while others do so once every few days. If your baby urinates well and gains weight normally, there is no problem. But if your baby produces stool with round lumps (bacterial enteritis) or whitish diarrhea like white rice water (caustic cholera), see a doctor immediately.

Bottle-fed babies who find it hard to produce stool

Some bottle-fed infants under the age of 6 months cry every time they produce stool and the stool produced may be hard. This happens when they have yet to toilet train so time will heal. But if your baby finds it difficult to produce stool, you should consult with a doctor.


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