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11 to 12 month after birth

Baby’s Growth and Development

Baby’s Growth and Development table
Height Male 72.9 to 80.1 cm (11 months) / 74.7 to 80.9 cm (12 months) Female 71.7 to 79.5 cm (11 months) / 73.4 to 80.4 cm (12 months)
Weight Male 8.47 to 11.07 kg (11 months) / 9.22 to 11.62 kg (12 months) Female 8.08 to 10.48 kg (11 months) / 8.81 to 11.21 kg (12 months)
Exercise As the baby starts to stand up by holding onto an object and walk, he may fall or slip off while climbing over a couch or crib. Volume of movement increases significantly as the baby starts to walk. Your baby starts to show interest in how other babies' play.
Hands Able to pick up a small object with a thumb and index finger, shows interest in searching with the hand, and able to drink water by holding a cup by himself
Body Compared with the weight at the time of birth, your baby's weight will have tripled. But there is no abrupt increase in weight due to an increased volume of movement.
Intelligence Enhanced memory helps your baby recognize frequent visitors. Your baby remembers family members the best. Also, he is able to discern compliments from scolding.
Language Able to think by linking a word with an obejct and say 'mommy' and 'daddy.' Shows an understanding of simple languages by nodding or waving a hand when hearing the word 'hello' and responds to it. Shows interest in clear pictures with colors.
Sociality Indicates what he wants by gesture or sounds. May touch the mother or other people to gain attention.


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